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How Can Our ENCORE Safety Network Promote A Culture of Safety Within Your Company?


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When we were conceptualizing a comprehensive business solution for safety professionals, we knew providing unmatched value and quality content would be essential. We wanted the most valuable asset to be a network of peers that could come together to discuss topics in their industry, along with bringing in industry professionals to educate and elaborate on essential industry topics.

Thus, the ENCORE Safety Network was born!

We recently had our first full-day Training featuring Doug Fletcher, President of Fletcher Safety Consulting, Aaron Cerrone, Owner of Mid America Martial Arts and Leadership Expert, Andy Bassett, President of Ellerbrock-Norris and Steve Polich, President of Safety-Reports. We discussed topics ranging from safety leadership, OSHA, return on investment of safety strategies, the Safety-Reports app, and more!

Below you will find a highlight video from the full-day training on October 7th.

The ENCORE Safety Network provides safety professional with comprehensive tools, videos, training days with leaders in the industry, webinars, access to our online ENCORE Connect Portal and training center, and most of all, a network of experiences professionals in the industry.

If you are interested in joining the ENCORE Safety Network, take a look at all the services that are included, then contact us to get started. 

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