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6 Tips for Creating a Cybersecurity Culture
Key benefits of fostering a cybersecurity culture include:
Strengthened protection against cyberthreats
Increased customer trust and loyalty
Improved brand reputation
Here are six tips for creating a cybersecurity culture at your organization:
- Involve senior leadership. Employees need to see cybersecurity values upheld by management if they’re going to buy into such a culture. Encourage senior executives to lead by example.
- Inspire ownership of cybersecurity. Clearly communicate what’s at stake to your employees and explain that your organization needs their help to minimize cyberthreats.
- Create engaging educational initiatives. Consider leveraging discussion forums, online activities, in-person training sessions and mock phishing exams as part of a holistic approach to cybersecurity education.
- Bring back the basics. When promoting good cyber hygiene, don’t forget basic principles such as strong password policies, multi-factor authentication requirements, network access restrictions and download limitations.
- Make it easy. Ensure employees know how to report suspicious emails and check the authenticity of work-related communications.
- Celebrate success. Make cybersecurity part of performance reviews and reward systems.
Teaching employees to value and take responsibility for cybersecurity is a proactive way to reduce your organization’s chances of experiencing cyber attacks.
For more cybersecurity guidance, contact us today.

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