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6 Tips for Creating a Cybersecurity Culture


Key benefits of fostering a cybersecurity culture include:

  • Strengthened protection against cyberthreats

  • Increased customer trust and loyalty

  • Improved brand reputation

Here are six tips for creating a cybersecurity culture at your organization:

  1. Involve senior leadership. Employees need to see cybersecurity values upheld by management if they’re going to buy into such a culture. Encourage senior executives to lead by example.
  2. Inspire ownership of cybersecurity. Clearly communicate what’s at stake to your employees and explain that your organization needs their help to minimize cyberthreats.
  3. Create engaging educational initiatives. Consider leveraging discussion forums, online activities, in-person training sessions and mock phishing exams as part of a holistic approach to cybersecurity education.
  4. Bring back the basics. When promoting good cyber hygiene, don’t forget basic principles such as strong password policies, multi-factor authentication requirements, network access restrictions and download limitations.
  5. Make it easy. Ensure employees know how to report suspicious emails and check the authenticity of work-related communications.
  6. Celebrate success. Make cybersecurity part of performance reviews and reward systems.

Teaching employees to value and take responsibility for cybersecurity is a proactive way to reduce your organization’s chances of experiencing cyber attacks.

For more cybersecurity guidance, contact us today.

This infographic is not intended to be exhaustive nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as legal advice. Consult a legal professional for more information.

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